Monday, February 27, 2017

Canberra's Favourite - the Cotter loop! - Part One

Any Canberra based motorcyclist who has an interest in bikes beyond the commute would have done this ride at least once.  Plenty to see and do on the Cotter loop and the road conditions are generally good with the odd bump thrown in to keep you from getting complacent.

I will be describing the ride moving from north to south, but the ride can be undertaken starting at either end.  From the north get yourself onto Cotter Road, from the south Tharwa Drive.  While locals will meander through most of the features on the ride I will provide some detail for visitors new to the area.

The first feature of the ride is the Stromlo Observatory.   Sadly the original installation was destroyed in the 2003 bushfires.  The cafe has excellent views towards the Cotter reservoir and for the energetic, an interesting walk with fine views over Canberra and a potted history of the site.  

The remains of Yale Observatory.

Shortly after departing Mount Stromlo you will enter the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve and not long after that enter the Cotter precinct.   Continue past the pumping station and cross over the single lane bridge.

Cotter River Pumping Station

The Cotter campground is popular with visitors and is well appointed.

If the Cotter loop is Canberra riders' most popular ride then the patch of road most loved by the local road warriors is the Brindabella Road to Uriarra Village stretch - colloquially know as the "Mount Mac ride".   Shortly after the Cotter Camping Ground turn right onto Brindabella Road.

Turn right onto Brindabella Road

Plenty of twisties and you won't be short of company at the weekend!  

A popular meeting place for riders is also the start of a walk to the Cotter Catchment Lookout (2.8 km return) and the Mount McDonald Lookout (5.2 km return) - hence the name of the ride.

Even the local constabulary enjoy a run around Mount Mac! 

Turn around at Uriarra Village and wash and repeat as necessary. 

Once you have had your fill of Brindabella Road return to Cotter Road and head towards Cotter Reserve. 

next ... Part Two - Cotter Reserve. 

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