Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wee Jasper (half) Circuit

The tiny village of Wee Jasper is located about 80 km, as the crow flies, to the north-west of Canberra.   Usually a prerequisite of rides is to have a pub or eatery at the destination.  Sadly this is not the case at Wee Jasper.  But it does offer camping grounds and a cave tour if that piques your interest.  For most of us it is a nice stop for a break in the ride and a byo picnic.

The Wee Jasper circuit can be traversed in either direction, I chose the counter-clockwise route.  A benefit of travelling this way is the road is sealed all the way, so if riders are dirt averse this is the way to go.  Depart Canberra and travel towards Yass on the Barton Highway.  This is a major road so expect plenty of traffic and good road conditions.   Take the Yass Valley Way exit.

If a caffeine hit is necessary travel all the way into the business centre at Yass.  If not, you will see the left turn onto Wee Jasper Road prior to the town centre.  After exiting Yass the ride starts to get more interesting.   Wee Jasper is 54 km from Yass.

The initial ride is a pleasant enough run through some rolling farmland.   As you get close to the Murrumbidgee River the road narrows and winds its way down an escarpment until you reach the Taemas Bridge.  Good views along this part of the route but be wary of the blind turns and pay particular respect to those turns with mirrors!  The road condition is variable with some interesting bumps and don't be surprised to see traffic.  

Climb out from the Taemas Bridge and enjoy the ride as the road meanders up and down and wiggles its way towards Wee Jasper.   

The roads are used by local farmers to graze their cattle.  So when you see the Cattle road signs don't be surprised to see the evidence of cattle having been on the road and even the presence of a herd! (as I did).  

Eventually you will reach the Wee Jasper bridge which spans the Goodradigbee River and the village is on the other side.

Return to Canberra initially the way you came in.  Prior to reaching the Taemas Bridge is the Mountain Creek Road intersection.  There are two sections of dirt on the trek back to Canberra.  Both of these are about 3 km long and generally in good condition.


I had intended taking this route but I did not refuel before starting the ride and found myself with the fuel gauge near empty.   With a choice of 58 km to Canberra or 26 km to Yass I decided on the latter and returned the way I had come in.

A fun day ride at what-ever pace you feel comfortable with.

PS.  See Interesting Links for maps of the region.

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